Thursday, February 10, 2011

How to Work Efficiently

Enhance Your Mood to Create an Efficient Attitude and Efficient Work

compliments of

To be efficient is to be able to produce a desired effect with a minimum of effort and waste. When we witness or experience efficiency it can create a pretty good feeling inside. We realize that the energy that was expended was used very selectively and we appreciate the foresight of such an undertaking.

Working efficiently and not hard is just a dream for many people. Too often we have our minds focused on hard work and not efficient work. How can you increase the efficiency of your work? Here are a few great strategies that you can implement immediately:

  • Take Breaks: Just 2 to 5 minutes of doing something different or taking a brisk walk will give your focus a break and you will return to your work with a fresh attitude and more energy.
  • Breath: It's always amazing to learn how many people hold their breath. When you are experiencing tension anywhere in your body take a deep cleansing breath. This will give you a boost of oxygen in your bloodstream and your mind will relax into your work more easily.
  • Smile: Think of something that makes you smile. I bet you're smiling right now aren't you? Smiling is an immediate mood enhancer. A genuine smile makes you feel good. It leaves you feeling enriched. Smiling a lot can make a big difference in how your day goes. The next time someone asks you "What are you smiling about?" tell them that you're smiling to make sure your day goes as you'd like.
  • Laugh: They say that laughter is the best medicine. If you're a fan of social networking sites, such as Twitter, go there... that is sure to give you a few good laughs while reading others Tweets. The thing is to be open to moments of laughter in your life. If you're on the stiff side, then loosen up. Laughter tends to dissipate tension. Find something to laugh at and enjoy the release that comes with it.

When you take the time to implement these strategies you will come back to your work with a fresh attitude and more energy to get the job done with fluidity. These strategies are mood enhancers and when you enhance your mood you will get the job done in less time and with a far better attitude!

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